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Nov 01 2016
Making the Most of Technology
NACM National

Technology helps credit professionals perform many of their day-to-day job functions. Beyond the typical hardware or software programs such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) software found in a credit department, credit managers can use a number of mobile applications to make their jobs easier and safer. 

Applications today can help keep people connected, manage email or projects, promote collaboration and keep them organized. Beth Ziesenis of Your Nerdy Best Friend, who recently presented Productivity in Hand: The Five Things Every Professional Nerd Should Be Able to Do on the Go at the 120th annual Credit Congress, identified three applications that she suggests they explore. 

LastPass. This application allows users to secure all of their passwords in one place, using a master password known only to them. The developer states it uses "bank-level" encryption to scramble data. It's critical for everyone, but especially for people in charge of sensitive information, Ziesenis said. "The weakest link in any company is the password." Users can access the cloud-based information from any device or computer. The system - available at lastpass.com - manages and generates passwords. 

Crystal. This app provides access to personality-profiles-based social media and other public data access. When working with someone new, you can look up their profile and potentially understand better how to communicate with him or her, she said. According to the website, crystalknows.com, business professionals can receive instant relationship advice or email coaching for use with anyone they know or meet. 


Evernote. This program and all of its cousins are the ultimate note-taking tools. They help keep track of information. Users can create project to-do lists, snap pictures or jot down reminders. The data becomes instantly accessible from any of their devices, and they can share it with colleagues to promote collaboration. 

These are three of the best tools for professionals to organize and safeguard their information, Ziesenis said.