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Jan 01 2020
Part III Sales Tax - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Have you been through a sales tax audit? A sales tax audit will look at sales tax in relation to customer purchases and your company purchases (use tax.) Because sales tax effects customers, it effects the credit department. This article will focus on sale tax in relation to customers, it will not focus on sales tax reporting or use tax as those are often a function of a different area of the accounting department. more... |
Jan 01 2020
SMART Goals Happy New Year one and all! Are you a fan of making New Year's resolutions? Do you keep them? Longer than a few weeks? What do they look like? How do they read? Something like this: Quit smoking. Lose weight. Learn to knit. Spend more time with family. Exercise. Live life more. Get organized at work. Travel. The New Year is a natural time to make changes in one's life. New Year. New start. New you. The issue is, that according to the U.S. News & World Report, 80% of the goals set for the New Year fail by February. That's daunting. There are many reasons that resolutions are not kept. more... |
Jan 01 2020
Mark Jones Retires After 28 years of working in credit, Mark Jones will be retiring from Geneva Rock Products/Clyde Companies at the end of January. Mark applied at the suggestion of a neighbor who knew the company was hiring for an accounts receivable and credit manager position. Since the company he was working for was going out of business, he thought it would be worth checking out as he was seeking more stable work. more... |
Dec 01 2019
Part II Sales Tax - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly The Bad - WAYFAIR This one word/name is being used to discuss the court case South Dakota v. Wayfair that has changed and is changing the way sales tax is assessed in each State. Many people are under the false assumption that this case only affected consumer sales not commercial sales but my credit will affect your company if it has not already. The Wayfair case has changed what each State is calling a nexus and has or will change the tax laws and regulations. more... |
Dec 01 2019
Interruptions ... or the Killer of Productivity A few weeks ago, NACM had a training In It To Win It. The sessions were all great, but one topic covered has really stuck with me. Beth Ziesenis (Beth Z),, played a trivia game with us. One of the questions dealt with how long after being interrupted does it take to get back to full productivity. The average is 25 minutes, post interruption, to become productive again. If I were speaking in person, I would pause for effect at this moment. 25 minutes. If your workspace is anything like mine, it is a revolving door of interruptions and distractions. It seems as if just when I am getting back on task, another interruption derails my schedule. One thing that Beth Z suggested is to actually plan and write out the schedule for the day; allotting time for various tasks. For example: more... |
Dec 01 2019
Top Reasons to Pursue a Credit Designation When you see the initials "CBA, CBF, and CCE" behind a person's name, you know that means they've earned the right to be called a credit professional. These individuals have taken many classes specific to the credit profession and have passed rigorous exams to earn their credit designation. You've probably seen many other initials following a professional's name. That's because thousands of associations use professional designations to recognize individuals for being dedicated to their chosen career and to uphold a certain set of standards. Ask a professional "why?" and they'll tell you that the designation process is one of the single most important steps you can make in career development. more... |
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Nov 01 2019
Sales Tax - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Once a customer advises your company that they are tax exempt, you will need to have the correct form filled out and signed by the customer and in your files. For all exempt sales your company must have a form on file, even to a government entity. Yes, Governments (State, County, City, Districts and Highway Departments, etc.), Tribes, farms, churches etc. are required to provide you a filled out and signed form. Auditors will ask to see the form and verify that it has the exemption number, box checked, or section filled out, correct customer name (legal name) and is signed and dated. more... |
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Nov 01 2019
What We Are Capable Of Last month when the ICEL Committee sat together to plan the next few months, the hot topic of conversation was which charity, if any, we were going to support this year as an education league. The committee members brought ideas of different charities that we could pick; each one as deserving as the next. The overwhelming feeling of gratitude came over me. I was grateful to belong to a committee of people who care. I was grateful to be able to be in a position to give. I was reminded that when I was younger, there were people who also cared. more... |
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Nov 01 2019
Face Time In this age of technology, most communication is conducted through text, e-mail, Skype or any of the numerous mechanisms available to send and receive information. The convenience and speed that these avenues provide allow us to conduct business almost at the "speed of light!" In fact, studies show that people aged 32 and under prefer technology-based communication over traditional telephone or face-to-face methods. The ability to attach supporting information, pictures, spread sheets or copies of previous conversations allows the sender to give the recipient any and all information they could possibly want or need to understand any given situation. But do they really? more... |
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Oct 01 2019
Creating Connections It's not personal; it's strictly business. Right? At least that is what I learned from The Godfather. Do you know the scene? Michael Corleone says it when he offers to commit an act of violence to take revenge for their family. Their family business is VASTLY different from the family business I work for, thank heavens. Of course, I also learned to leave the gun and take the cannoli from the same family; so, I am not sure how sound the advice from this movie is. But I digress. Sure, there is a line between business relationships and personal relationships. I have had more success in collection and credit management when I am a little more personal in my business connections. Not to cross the line into friendship, per se, but when I have a connection with a customer, I find my job more enjoyable and, often, will get paid sooner. more... |
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Oct 01 2019
Change.....Again!?!?! Your muscles are tense, breathing rapidly, your heart is pounding, and you have a strong urge to just run. Run away, that is. Why? Because you've just been informed of a significant change within the company. Not only will it affect you, but your team as well. Stressful? Absolutely! How many of us have been here before? I'm betting all of us have in some form. Whether you've had to lead your team, or you have been part of a team being directed, we have all experienced this. Change is inevitable. It happens and it happens often. So, how do pull yourself together and pull off the smoothest transition possible with your team? While there are several ways to cope with the stress of managing and leading a team through change, I would like to focus on 4 simple practices. more... |
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Oct 01 2019
Looking Ahead to Christmas The crisp Autumn air has many of us thinking ahead to the Christmas holiday. As you are begin your holiday shopping please note that the Intermountain Credit Education League has chosen to support, once again, Candy Cane Corner as our Christmas charity this year. Many of you have taken the opportunity of donating time and items to this wonderful organization in the past and know how much this service benefits our community. For those of you that have not had the opportunity to participate, Candy Cane Corner has been established to provide those that are less fortunate with the opportunity of selecting new toys and new clothing items for loved ones in their family. Candy Cane Corner attempts to provide a store-like environment from which its shoppers can select purchases that meet the needs more... |
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Sep 01 2019
Our Coworkers = Our Customers The perception of credit management is often negative. We are a group of people who typically bear bad news and cause further complications in the jobs of our associates and heartache to our customers. What we do is not glamorous and, more often than not, someone is upset with our decisions. It is very easy to get caught up in the humdrum of negativity but there are things we can do to help build the relationship between ourselves and our fellow coworkers and infuse positivity into an otherwise difficult job. more... |
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Sep 01 2019
The Wonderful Power of And I truly believe that one of the most powerful, and often undervalued, words in the English language is AND. Too often we view things as either/or rather than AND. Black or white. Tall or short. Fat or thin. Dead or alive. Sure, there are some things that are truly either/or. Although, a zebra would argue that you can be black AND white. AND is a conjunction word to connect things together, joining ideas and separate things as a unified object. more... |
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Sep 01 2019
Executive Roundtable Recap NACM members convened on Monday, August 12 to discuss managing risk in today's environment. Topics and discussion summarized. Just like your company check, but it's a check scammers phony check design. They solicit youth to cash the checks and purchase gift cards for charity and to retain the balance of the check as their payment. This scam usually runs under $5,000 per check. 2-3 weeks after cashing the check the youth finds out that the check was fraudulent, and they are responsible for the amount. more... |
Aug 01 2019
Developing Leadership What is leadership? The website Wikipedia defines leadership as "both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to lead or guide individuals, teams or entire organizations." With so much information online and companies using leadership as a buzz word, the big question is "How do you become a leader?" more... |
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Aug 01 2019
Cogs in the Wheel Have you ever seen the inside of a clock? I am not talking your Apple watch or Fitbit, but a proper "needs to be wound in order to work properly" clock? The cogs or gears all vary in size and function. They fit together perfectly and harmoniously to make the clock work. more... |
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Aug 01 2019
Dare to Brave the Future It takes knowledge, expertise and creativity to approve credit and collect in today's business climate. Factual information interpreted with experience and education is critical to profitable decisions that help us win the never-ending battle. How can YOU stay ahead of the curve and feel confident taking educated risks that bring maximum rewards to your company? more... |
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Jul 01 2019
Everybody Has A Name Have you ever been called the wrong name? Or had a coworker not address you by your name? Dale Carnegie writes that "a person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language." We are all given a name at birth. This name becomes an identifier to represent us. We learn from an early age to respond when our name is called. Even if your name is a common one like John, you instinctively turn when you hear your name said by someone. Brain studies show that certain parts of our brain light up when we hear our own name and do not light up when we hear other people's names. more... |
Jul 01 2019
Why Customer Visits? Customer visits are essential to the growth of any company, large or small. The customer relationship generally will begin with a sales call as the initial contact, however customer visits can influence the customer relationship on many different levels from sales to marketing to accounting. more... |
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