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Jan 01 2016
Published by NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL 
E-News January 2016

In This Issue
- Reflections on Appreciation
- Fraud Prevention Seminar 
- Top 10 Things I Learned
- Observing a Customer's Facilities
- Brot Backen
- Accomplishing New Year Goals
- ICEL Recap: December

Looking Ahead


Jan 11 - Spring Semester Classes begin
Click Here for Class Schedule

Jan 14 - ICEL - Financial Statement Basics, Speaker: Doug Darrington, CCE
More information and registration

Jan 20  - Credit Boot Camp More Info

Jan 18 - Paperwork Deadline for 3/14/16 Certification Exams

Apr 22 NACM Spring Banquet 
Jun 12-15 Credit Congress
Oct 12-14 
WRC Conference 


Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Reflections of Appreciation
by April Tanner, CCE, Kimball Equipment

Appreciation - by definition: 1. The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. 2. A full understanding of a situation.

As the stress level of my life this year has been high, some self-imposed but well worth it like obtaining my CCE. Others were thrust upon me, like being told  . . . read full article   

Fraud Prevention Seminar
By Georgette Bevan, CCE, NACM Business Credit Services


Bunny Gooch, Intelligence Analyst/Task Force Officer, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation was the opening speaker. Agent Gooch reported that Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the U.S. Identity theft has surpassed narcotics in crime. It is currently estimated that meth users commit about 50% of all identity theft crimes with immigrants . . . read full article 


ICEL Chair Message
Top 10 Things I Learned
by Erik Wright, CBF, Spectrum Engineers, Inc.

Earlier this year I invited everyone with an interest to invest a little more in themselves by getting the 'MOST' out of ICEL by becoming an active, contributing member. While I doubt my message had much of an impact to inspire anyone but me, I have to say I have seen so many continue to give so much to help promote our mission. It continues to amaze me as I reflect back upon what a wonderful organization . . . read full article  

Observing a Customer's

by NACM National

When visiting a customer, a credit professional should ask for a tour of the facility. A great deal can be learned from viewing the customer's operations first-hand, and an observant credit professional can note any irregularities and/or inconsistencies within the business. For example, a recent financial statement may indicate a large volume of inventory on hand. During the facility tour, however, if the inventory . . . read full article  

Brot Backen

by Ryan Palmer, CCE, LKL Associates

This time of year is always my favorite. People are a lot nicer, everyone is happy, and there is always a lot of good food to go around.

One of my most favorite things is all of the baked goods . . . be it cakes, cookies or pies. I also love the taste and smell of freshly baked bread . . . read full article


Accomplishing New Year Goals

by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corporation

We all want to become better people. We would like to be stronger and healthier, more skilled and creative. We would like to become a better friend or family member. New Year's resolutions mean trying to do something new on a regular basis, and, if you are like me, it usually doesn't even last a month. One of the main reasons that it does not work . . . read full article 

ICEL Recap: December

by Ryan Palmer, CCE, LKL Associates 

We had the wonderful privilege of hearing from local musician Kalai at this past month's ICEL meeting.

Kalai played and sang his own version of Christmas songs mixed with other songs he has written. 

Along with his music, he told some funny stories of when he was on the road touring and stories . . . read full article