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Apr 01 2016
Published by NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL 
E-News April 2016

In This Issue
- Back Up Your KIGS
- NACM BCS Board Election Candidate Information
- Hard Jobs Made Easier
- Congratulations New Designation Holders
- My Biggest Challenge
- To Meet, or Not to Meet
- ICEL Recap: Reverse Brainstorming

Looking Ahead


Apr 14 - ICEL - Speaker Cathy Carey

Spring Banquet & Stockholders Meeting  More info and online registration
An evening of great food, cash & prize giveaways & networking

May 12 - ICEL - E.Q. Emotional Intelligence, Speaker: John Bytheway
Executive Appreciation Meeting 

Jun 12-15 Credit Congress 

Oct 12-14 WRC Conference 


Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Back Up Your KIGS

by Tyler Steenblik, CCE, YESCO

Some things never change. Since the beginning of time, credit people have suffered from what is commonly known as KIGS or KNOT IN THE GUT SYNDROME. We all know the routine. We approve an order and hold our breath until the check comes in. We can review credit applications, analyze financials, pull credit reports and even check with the customer's mother, but ultimately we have to wait to see the outcome. Meanwhile, the makers of Maalox and Tums continue to collect their fees. Read full article  

NACM Election Time

Cast Your Vote in April

Each year, three members of the NACM Board of Directors retire and three new board members are elected to replace them.  More information  An electronic ballot is sent to each member company's designated representative on April 1st.

The candidates for this year's open board positions are (in alphabetical order):

  • Susan Archibeque, CCE, Nicholas & Company
  • Scott Chase, CCE, CICP, Amer Sports
  • Kelly Griffiths, Harrington & Company
  • Kandie Haymore, CBA, Midwest Floor Coverings, Inc.
  • DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corporation
  • Jo Anne Mills, CCE, Deseret Book Company
  • Rebecca Mullins, CCE, Ferguson Enterprises


Hard Jobs Made Easier

by Lisa Keller, CBF, Peterson Plumbing Supply

In the twenty plus years that I have been in credit one thing has remained constant. Our jobs are hard! No matter the industry, no matter how seasoned or new we are to credit, our jobs are hard. Sure, some of us have the benefit of great owners, bosses and coworkers but at the end of the day no one can understand us better than our peers, which is why we are so lucky to have NACM Business Credit Services and the Intermountain Credit Education League (ICEL). Read full article   

Congratulations News Designation Holders

Certified Business Fellows (CBF)

Heidi Kroeger, CBF, Intermountain Farmers Association
Sidnee George, CBF, Kilgore Companies
Lisa Keller, CBF, Peterson Plumbing Supply

Certified Business Associates (CBA)

Denise Burnside, CBA, A & K Railroad Materials
Zane Visser, CBA, The Dannon Company
Samantha Gross, CBA, Intermountain Wood Products
Jayne Crosby, CBA, Reagan Outdoor Advertising
Christy Braithwaite, CBA


My Biggest Challenge

by Paul Stott, Sunroc Building Materials, Inc.

Ever since I started my adult life in the world of high finance, I have not been able to overcome my innate talent of offending and ticking people off. My first memory of this was when I was with First Security Bank, long before they became Wells Fargo. I was the assistant manager of a branch and one of my loan officers had applied for an internal position which would have been a promotion and didn't get it. She was a very smart and talented person and everyone seemed to like her. A coworker and I took her to lunch shortly after she received the disappointing news and I commented to her that I was sorry for her bad news. She didn't show any signs at that moment . . . read full article  

ICEL Chair Message
To Meet, or Not to Meet

by Erik Wright, CBF, Spectrum Engineers

That is the question! Outside a colleague's office inconspicuously taped to the wall, there is a tattered photocopied sign that reads: "Are you lonely? - Tired of working on your own? - Do you hate making decisions?" then in bold letters underneath says: "HOLD A MEETING!." Read full article  

ICEL Recap:
Reverse Brainstorming

by Ryan Palmer, CCE, LKL Associates

Lisa Keller, CBF, Peterson Plumbing Supply, started off by listing The Basic Rules of Brainstorming, which are:

  • There are no wrong or dumb ideas 
  • Everything gets written down
  • Non-Judgmental collection of thoughts
  • Everyone Should Participate
  • Be as open, creative, and wild as possible
  • Get as many responses as you can

  • When you do reverse brainstorming you combine the ideas of brainstorming and reversal to draw out creative ideas to solve problems. Read full article