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Jan 01 2017
Published by NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL 
E-News January 2017

In This Issue
- The Secret to Successful Team Work
- ICEL Chair Message: Focus
- A Season of Change
- Insurance Certificates: Some Hints
- Celebrating Small Victories
- ICEL RECAP: Christmas

Looking Ahead

Jan 9 - Spring Credit Education Classes Start. Click here  for schedule. 

Jan 9 - Certification Exam Paperwork Deadline for March 6, 2017 Exams

Jan 12 - ICEL-Bankrupcty from the Creditors Point of View with Ellen E. Ostrow, Esq. of Holland & Hart. Click here for details.

Feb 23 - Credit Boot Camp

NACM Demand Letters 
now thru January 31, 2017 info



Apr 21 - Spring Banquet & Stockholders Mtg

Jun 11-14 Credit Congress 2017 - Registation goes up February 15, 2017 - Budget for Credit Congress now!

Sep 15 - Fall Outing and Golf Tournament

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?
Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



The Secret to Successful Team Work

by Whitney Davidson, CBF, Sunroc Building Materials

Teamwork sounds easy, yet this can be the hardest part of each day at work. Teamwork within the workplace not only benefits your workers but also significantly affects your company. Many times throughout the year you may be asked to join a team with your coworkers to achieve a goal the company or your supervisor may have set. . . . read full article

ICEL Chair Message:

by Shane Norman, CCE, Wheeler Machinery

I haven't been much of a hunter over the past years, but my boys are the age where it's something they wanted to experience. So this past year we did. In my preparations for the big day, I had to sight my rifle in. . . . read full article

A Season of Change
by Shane Inglesby, CCE, Geneva Rock Products, Chairman NACM Board of Directors

Dean Wangsgard has announced his plans to retire from NACM in January 2018 where he has worked for 38 years. He started with NACM in sales and later moved into the Bankruptcy Department. He was appointed as Vice President in the mid-80's. . . . read full article 

Insurance Certificates: Some Hints
by April Tanner, CCE, Kimball Equipment

For many of us it is the time of year when our insurance policies renew, along with many other updates that take place at the first of the year. Most of our companies need and use insurance certificates. Some only need to provide an insurance certificate to lenders or customers. Others need to collect insurance certificates from customers to cover rented/leased machinery. Many of us do both. . . . read full article

Celebrating Small Victories
By Janae Jeffs, CCE, Muir Copper Canyon Farms

How do you celebrate your little victories?

Credit Managers know that you need to be persistent. We get a kick out of being able to get that elusive customer to commit to a payment. Although we have called that customer for days on end, we treat that call like it was the first one that was made. We may be dodged, ignored and leave hundreds of voice messages, but when we do get that "live" person we need to. . . . read full article

ICEL Recap:
By Rhonda Calwell, CCE, Nicholas and Compan

Year after year, ICEL proudly supports Candy Cane Corner. This fabulous organization helps hundreds of families each year celebrate the holidays in ways they thought would not be possible. This toy drive collects new unwrapped items so that low income families who participate in established programs have an opportunity to shop for gifts for their loved ones. Parents can fill the wishes of their children and children can feel the joy of giving to their parents. Thank you to all who generously donated to make this drive a success. . . . read full article