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Feb 01 2017
Published by NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL 
February  2017

In This Issue
- Creativity A Good Credit Manager Makes
- ICEL Chair Message: Recognition
- Free Trade and the Trans Pacific Partnership
- Limited Liability Companies; The Best of Both Worlds
- Sales Team The Voice of Credit
- ICEL Recap: Bankruptcy From a Creditor's Point of View

Martha Collins 1939-2017

Martha Collins, friend and mentor to many of us, passed away Wednesday, January 18, 2017.

Martha began her career at NACM April 1, 1976 and retired in 2004. She is survived by her husband, five children, 16 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild.

She is remembered fondly within our ranks and will be greatly missed. 

Looking Ahead

February 9 - ICEL How to Stay Out of The Audit Bulls Eye with Aaren L. Humphreys. Click here for details

Feb 23 - Credit Boot Camp
Registration Details here


Apr 21 - Spring Banquet & Stockholders Meeting

Jun 11-14 Credit Congress 2017Registation goes up February 15, 2017 - Budget for Credit Congress now!

Sep 15 - Fall Outing and Golf Tournament

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Creativity A Good Credit Manager Makes

by Erik Wright CBF, Spectrum Engineers Inc

I have often wondered if I am less of a credit manager because I seldom work with traditional credit applications; they're just not frequently used in my industry. Contracts, on the other hand, are very common place and dealing with contract terms and conditions have become a credit . . . . Read full article

NACM Board Election Candidate Information

Each year, three members of the NACM Board of Directors retire and three new board members are elected to replace them. 
More information

The candidates for this year's open board positions are (in alphabetical order):

  • Scott Chase, CCE, CICP, Amer Sports Winter & Outdoor
  • Zen Featherstone, DBM Design and Consulting
  • Kandie Haymore, CBA, Midwest Floor Coverings, Inc
  • D'Ann Johnson, CCE, Roofers Supply
  • Joanne Martin, CCE, LKL Associates
  • Allen Vickers, CCE, A & K Railroad Materials
  • ICEL Chair Message:
    by Shane Norman CCE, Wheeler Machinery

    Early in my career, I was connected with NACM and the educational opportunities associated with it. The networking and connections with fellow credit professionals helped me immensely to learn how to perform my responsibilities better and quicker than I could have on my own . . . . Read full article

    Free Trade and the Trans Pacific Partnership
    by Ronda Tuttle CBA, Sabol & Rice

    The Trans Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) is a trade agreement signed by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, and the United States, by former President Barack Obama. President Donald Trump has . . . . Read full article 

    Limited Liability Companies; The Best of Both Worlds
    by Kyle Meade CBA, Sunroc Corporation

    Limited Liability Companies (LLC) have become an increasingly more widespread form of business organization over the last several years. The State of Utah passed LLC legislation in 1991, since then entrepreneurs have taken advantage of the benefits that an LLC can provide. The most dominant . . . . Read full article

    Sales Team, The Voice of Credit

    by Keeley Worley, Nicholas & Company

    How many times have you thought you and a salesperson were on the same page when discussing terms, a payment plan, or what was expected for payment on a customer and then you realize that you aren't in the same book? It's happened . . . . Read full article

    ICEL Recap:

    Bankruptcy From a Creditor's Point of View
    by DeAnna Leahy CCE, Sunroc Corporation

    ICEL began the New Year with a bang by providing members with vital information regarding bankruptcy from the creditor's point of view. In our January ICEL meeting, we were pleased to hear from Ellen Ostrow, who is an associate at Holland & Hart. In her practice, Ellen focuses on advising . . . . Read full article