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Aug 01 2017
E-News August 2017

In This Issue
- Trust Your Hunches!
- NACM BCS Membership Drive
- The Psychology of the Debtor
- ICEL Chair: Conquering Procrastination
- To Surcharge or Not to Surcharge
- International Credit and You - The Credit Professional
- ICEL RECAP: Keeping Work a Safe Space

Looking Ahead
Aug 4- Come Learn how a Professional Designation puts YOU in the Driver's Seat!
Click here  for details

Aug 10-
Test Your Credit Knowledge
Click here  for details

Aug 22-
Fall Semester Credit Classes Start
Click here  for details

Save The Date
Sept 15- Fall Outing and Golf Tournament
Click here for details

Oct 11-13- Western Region Credit Conference in San Diego
 here  for details 

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Trust Your Hunches!
by Suzy Stanworth, Scholzen Products Company

After being in the credit world for more than 18 years, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and further my education. I just finished the Principles of Business Credit class and let's be honest, my world has been rocked!

By taking this class, I've begun to notice how many of the details that I once knew have been hidden in the back of my mind. I regret not taking full advantage of all that NACM has to offer in regard to keeping those details sharp in my mind and up to date. I used to keep a quote by Dr. Joyce Brothers on my desk that read, "Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level." If I would have kept that saying on my desk and taken this class a year ago, I could have saved our company thousands of dollars. Allow me to explain . . . . Read full article

NACM BCS Membership Drive

The strength of NACM Business Credit Services is our members. Your voice is often the most influential when we are talking to new prospective members. To that end, we are pleased to announce two new initiatives aimed at rewarding current members and gaining new members. Details here

The Psychology of the Debtor
by Rhonda Calwell, CCE, Nicholas and Co.

Nothing involving human relationships is clear and simple but we can try to understand using emotional intelligence.


If you really want to understand your debtor, then you must think outside "the box" when it comes to people. Don't let your past experiences restrict your ability to think outside the box and listen to your debtor . . . . Read full article

ICEL Chair: Conquering Procrastination
by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corporation

Are you a procrastinator? I don't like to admit it, but sometimes I can be. Rita Emmett, the author of The Procrastinator's Handbook, was a presenter at this year's Credit Congress in Dallas. She talked about conquering procrastination. Rita shared with us what she calls Emmett's Law, which states: "The dread of doing a task uses up more time and energy than doing the task itself." . . . . Read full article

To Surcharge or Not to Surcharge

by Kandie Haymore, CBF, Midwest Floor Coverings 

One of the best sessions I attended at Credit Congress this year was on a subject of much confusion - credit card surcharges. I am so glad I was able to get some clarification on this sometimes vague and confusing subject.

First of all, let's talk about the difference between a convenience fee and a surcharge fee . . . . Read full article

International Credit and You - The Credit Professional
by April Tanner, CCE, Kimball Equipment Co.

WAIT! Before you say, "this topic is not for me - I only sell locally", give me a chance to change your mind on this topic. 

At National Credit Congress 2017's opening session we heard from our Chairman of the Board Mr. Jay Snyder CCE ICCE. He touched on many credit topics but he emphasized early in his speech that he predicted that every credit manager in the room would be effected by international credit in the next 5 to 8 years and we should be preparing. I found this to be a powerful and impactful statement . . . . Read full article

ICEL Recap: Keeping Work a Safe Space
by Kyle Meade, CBA, Sunroc Corporation

The July ICEL meeting was chock-full of good information. In fact, there was so much information that the meeting went overtime. We had three speakers discuss the topic of violence in the workplace and how to stay safe . . . . Read full article