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May 01 2019
E-News May 2019

In This Issue
- ICEL Chair: Choosing Our Credit and Collection Words Wisely
- The Importance of Customer Visits
- Spring Banquet and Election Recap
- ICEL Welcomes Emmalee Hardman
- LeaderShift
- ICEL Recap: Engaging Leadership



NACM has moved
Look for us in our new location 
5710 S. Green Street
Murray, UT 84123

Looking Ahead

May 9, 2019 ICEL
Email Etiquette

May 14, 2019 CFDD 

May 19-22, 2019

Credit Congress
Aurora, Colorado

May 31, 2019
Paperwork deadline for July 22, 2019 Designation Exams

June 28, 2019
Credit Boot Camp

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



ICEL Chair: Choosing Our Credit and Collection Words Wisely

by Stephanie Johnson, CCE, Gritton & Associates

My phone rang last week with a call from a vendor (shall we call him Tim? Not his real name) who was looking for payment status on a past due invoice. Now, being in collections and knowing what a hard job it can be, I try really hard to make sure that our company bills are paid as close to terms as possible. But like everyone else, some invoices slip through the cracks. I looked in our accounting system and my email for the errant invoice. Nothing. I told Tim that I did not have it in my folder and asked if he could please resend? His response. . . . Read Full Article

The Importance of Customer Visits

by Ryan Palmer, CCE, L.K.L. Associates 

How many of us remember when we were in school and would look forward to the days when we would go on field trips? We would all have our brown paper sack lunches and our "buddy" for the buddy system. Our bright eyes excited for the adventures that were awaiting us away from school . . . . Read Full Article

Spring Banquet and Election Results

The NACM Stockholders Meeting was held on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at the NACM Office and Spring Banquet was held on Friday, April 19, 2019 at The Cottonwood Country Club. Results for the Board of Directors election . . . . Read Full Article

ICEL Welcomes Emmalee Hardman

I have been working for Geneva Rock since 2006. I am the Credit State Construction Registry (SCR) Supervisor where I oversee a team that files preliminary notices on the SCR for Geneva Rock, Sunroc and Sunroc Building Materials. The filing of preliminary lien notices ensures our companies retain lien rights on all of our projects. I review and sign lien waivers, verify contractor licenses, and have been on the Utah Interactive SCR Users Committee since . . . . Read Full Article


by Whitney Davidson, CBF, CCRA, Sunroc Building Materials 

I recently read the book LeaderShift, Making Leadership Everyone's Business, written by Ken Carnes & David Cottrell.

I started reading it when I was elected to the Board of Directors for NACM. I previously served on the NACM board from 2014-2017, and I learned so much by serving. This term I am hoping to understand and give more during my term of office . . . . Read Full Article

ICEL Recap: Engaging Leadership

by Wayne Olsen, Geneva Rock Products

Date line: April 11, 2019 Location: New office of NACM Intermountain.

May I start by adding that today's ICEL meeting was held at a new home? Yes, good bye R L Hotel. The new location of NACM Intermountain was the site of Aprils ICEL lunch and learn. I don't want to be negative of the decades old location of ICEL. Although, I have to admit the new location was very well appreciated. The new facilities are very nice, clean, and cozy. The food was not only tasty, but the quality was exceptional. If you didn't attend, then you simply missed out. If you drove to the R L Hotel, then you didn't read the emails from Lisa. If you couldn't find the location, then I suggest . . . . Read Full Article