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Nov 01 2019
E-News November 2019

In This Issue
- ICEL Chair: What We Are Capable Of
- Sales Tax-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- Face Time
- The Dangers of Failing to be PCI Compliant
- ICEL Recap: 5 Essential Credit and A/R Skill to Increase Performance

Looking Ahead

November 4, 2019 
Professional Designation Exams

November 5, 2019
NACM Lean Outlook Webinar

November 7, 2019
NACM AZ Credit Boot Camp

November 12, 2019

NACM Mechanics' Lien Seminar

November 14, 2019
ICEL Negotiation Skills for Creditors: Making your way to the Front of the Line

November 22, 2019

NACM Credit Boot Camp


ICEL supports Candy Cane Corner - bring your donations to the November meeting or drop off at the office prior to Nov. 14.
Candy Cane Corner Wish List

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?


Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



ICEL Chair: What We Are Capable Of

by Stephanie Johnson, CCE, Gritton & Associates

Last month when the ICEL Committee sat together to plan the next few months, the hot topic of conversation was which charity, if any, we were going to support this year as an education league. The committee members brought ideas of different charities that we could pick; each one as deserving as the next.

The overwhelming feeling of gratitude came over me. I was grateful to belong to a committee of people who care. I was grateful to be able to be in a position to give. I was reminded that when I was younger, there were people who also cared . . . . Read Full Article

Sales Tax-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

by April Tanner, CCE, Kimball Equipment Company

Tax - we all love that word almost as much as the word Audit. Often in the credit managers world the two items combine to form the following dreaded statement - SALES TAX AUDIT.

Over the decades I have been in credit I have been through dozens of sales tax audits of many companies in several industries and multiple States. I don't know about your organization, but at the last three business' I have been a credit manager, it is the credit department's responsibility to ensure my company has the tax exemption certificates on file for each customer when necessary . . . . Read Full Article

Face Time

by D'Ann Johnson, CCE, A-Core Concrete Cutting

In this age of technology, most communication is conducted through text, e-mail, Skype or any of the numerous mechanisms available to send and receive information. The convenience and speed that these avenues provide allow us to conduct business almost at the "speed of light!" In fact, studies show that people aged 32 and under prefer technology-based communication over traditional telephone or face-to-face methods. The ability to attach supporting information, pictures, spread sheets or copies of previous conversations allows the sender to give the recipient any and all information they could possibly want or need to understand any given situation. But do they . . . . Read Full Article

The Dangers of Failing to be PCI Compliant
by NACM National

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has been a topic of conversation among creditors since entering the business-to-business landscape more than a decade ago. NACM's recent webinar titled "PCI Compliance and What Your Company Needs to Do to Get There" delved into the nuances of PCI compliance, breaking down any misconceptions and providing context for how to get companies to be the most efficient and PCI compliant as possible . . . . Read Full Article


ICEL Recap: 5 Essential Credit and A/R Skills to Increase Performance

by Kelley Kunz, CCE, Henriksen Butler Design

At our ICEL meeting this last month the speaker was Todd Thielemann with HighRadius. His topic was credit and A/R skills. Todd was able to highlight some of the processes that could benefit from software and automation. He also explained how we can increase performance with his Five Essential Credit and A/R Skills . . . . Read Full Article