Looking Ahead
December 10, 2019
December 12, 2019 ICEL
Christmas Luncheon with The Benson Sisters at Cottonwood Country Club
January 13, 2020
NACM Credit Education
Classes Begin
Save the Date
January 17, 2020 Paperwork Deadline for March 9, 2020
Professional Designation Exams
March 9, 2020
Professional Designation Exams
June 14-17 Caesars Palace
NACM 124th Credit Congress
Las Vegas, NV
Early Bird Rate Ends Dec 6
Why should I submit potential members to NACM?
Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info
ICEL Chair: Interruptions . . . or The Killer of Productivity
by Stephanie Johnson, CCE, Gritton & Associates
A few weeks ago, NACM had a training In It To Win It. The sessions were all great, but one topic covered has really stuck with me. Beth Ziesenis (Beth Z), yournerdybestfriend.com, played a trivia game with us. One of the questions dealt with how long after being interrupted does it take to get back to full productivity. The average is 25 minutes, post interruption, to become productive again. If I were speaking in person, I would pause for effect at this moment. 25 minutes.
If your workspace is anything like mine, it is a revolving door of interruptions and distractions. It seems as if just when I am getting back on task, another interruption derails my schedule. One thing that Beth Z suggested is to actually plan and write out the schedule for the day; allotting time for various tasks . . . Continue Reading
Top Reasons to Pursue a Credit Designation
by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corporation
When you see the initials "CBA, CBF, and CCE" behind a person's name, you know that means they've earned the right to be called a credit professional. These individuals have taken many classes specific to the credit profession and have passed rigorous exams to earn their credit designation.
You've probably seen many other initials following a professional's name. That's because thousands of associations use professional designations to recognize individuals for being dedicated to their chosen career and to uphold a certain set of standards. Ask a professional "why?" and they'll tell you that the designation process is one of the single most important steps you can make in career development. Here are some of the top reasons you should consider getting your professional designation . . . Continue Reading
Part II-Sales Tax-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
by April Tanner, CCE, Kimball Equipment Company
This one word/name is being used to discuss the court case South Dakota v. Wayfair that has changed and is changing the way sales tax is assessed in each State. Many people are under the false assumption that this case only affected consumer sales not commercial sales but my credit friend...it will affect your company if it has not already. The Wayfair case has changed what each State is calling a nexus and has or will change the tax laws and regulations.
Nexus you say - what is a nexus? Patriotsoftware.com says this about nexus: "Sales tax nexus determines whether a business has a significant presence in an area to collect sales tax. Nexus presence includes your business . . . Continue Reading
Decision Fatigue: Combatting the Overwhelming Nature of Choices
by NACM National
People make a total of about 35,000 decisions-in a single day. The process of decision-making has become a more natural, passive activity over time, with decisions like what socks to wear and how long to microwave leftovers barely fazing people as decisions. Decisions with grander consequences weigh more on individuals, from what car best fits a specific set of needs to how much credit a customer should be extended.
With so many decisions in one day, each choice begins to lay heavy on a person. Without realizing it, the overwhelming nature of these decisions contribute to a phenomenon known as "decision fatigue." The breakout session "Understanding Decision Fatigue (and What to Do About It)" at the 2019 Western Credit Conference in Portland, Oregon, tackled this issue, breaking down what decision fatigue is, how it affects creditors in the workplace and how best to . . . Continue Reading
ICEL Recap: Negotiation Skills for Creditors
by Jaimme Conner, Nicholas & Company
When dealing with people who owe our company monies, I found several things that were presented by Jason Robinson, Attorney at Law, at the November ICEL meeting to be helpful and valuable tools I can use in my every day interactions both with our customers and our sales team who help us in collecting payments. Here are my top 2 tools from . . . Continue Reading