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Nov 01 2010
ICEL's Excellence Newsletter

November 2010

In This Issue
- Change Brings New Friends and Family
- Meeting Recap: How To Hold Onto The Money You Collect
- Planning Ahead - Christmas
- Spotlight, Stacy Labbe, Meadow Gold Dairies
- Change Up the Job to Make It More Productive & Interesting

Looking Ahead

Nov-Dec FREE Demand Service for NACM Members.  More info

Nov 2 - Credit Boot Camp  Basic training in collections, credit reports, applications & policy for credit and A/R

Nov 3 - The Changing Landscape of Credit What makes a great credit manager from a finance managers view and panel discussion of current issues and hot topics Info & registration

Nov 8 - Mechanic's Lien & Lien Recovery Fund Seminar Recent changes to Lien Recovery Fund rules Info & registration

Nov 11 - ICEL "Let's Make a Deal" the Art of Negotiation. Speaker: Tammi Russell, CCE, KSL.  Info & registration

Dec 9 - ICEL Christmas Mtg & Candy Cane Corner Charity Drive

Mar 2 - Credit Boot Camp

Apr 22 - Stockholders Meeting & Dinner

May 22-25 Credit Congress & Expo  Nashville, TN 

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers as well not just a one- way street. more Info



Change Brings New Friends and Family

by Kelley Kunz, CCE, Martin Door Mfg.

When I was younger, we went to my grandparent's house for Thanksgiving. Some years I would stay overnight and help my grandma polish the silverware and make pies. We would make the stuffing the night before because my grandma would get up really early to put the turkey in the oven. I remember filling celery with peanut butter and cheese. I would help peal potatoes and open cans of olives. We would make whip cream and jello. The rest of my family would show up and some would watch football and others would just visit. When I was younger, it seemed like a house full. When I was a teenager, I noticed we didn't do the same routine for Thanksgiving. Some of my cousins went to their other grandparents and we had some friends that came over to my parent's house and we had pie together. View full article

Meeting Recap: How to Hold on to the Money You Collect

by Rebecca Knaak, Alder Sales Corporation

October's ICEL featured speaker was Sherilyn A. Olsen from the law firm of Holland and Hart. Sherilyn is a renowned Utah Bankruptcy Attorney who spoke to us about bankruptcy from the creditor's point of view.

Sherilyn explained that when a company takes out a bankruptcy, there may be instances where the bankruptcy trustee requires any payments made within 90 days of the company's bankruptcy filing to be returned to the trustee. The bankruptcy trustee is seeking a pool of funds with which to pay all of the affected parties, and if you received funds within that period prior to the bankruptcy. View full article

Planning Ahead . Christmas

by Shane B. Inglesby, CCE, Geneva Rock Products Inc.

ICEL has chosen to support Candy Cane Corner as its Christmas charity for this year. As you make your shopping list for the holidays, consider supporting this organization.

Plan to bring your donations on November 11th or December 9th to our monthly ICEL lunch meeting. Christmas is a time of joy for many. Your support of Candy Cane Corner will help many that otherwise may not experience the magic of this wonderful time of year. View full article and list of items to be donated

Spotlight, Stacy Labbe, Meadow Gold Dairies

by Janae Jeffs, CCE, Muir Enterprises, Inc.

Stacy is a stanch supporter of ICEL and has been consistently coming to each and every meeting for years. She always has a smile on her face and a kind word to everyone she meets. Stacy strives to improve herself and also her credit skills. By attending ICEL, she gains the needed knowledge to stay on top of her job.

Stacy has been at Meadow Gold for 7 years. She started out in cash application then moved to collections. Prior to Meadow Gold, Stacy worked for R.S. Hughes in Cash Applications and Collections.  View full article

Change Up the Job to Make It More Productive & Interesting

by Carolyn Thompson, Meadow Gold Dairies

How do you keep your job interesting every day? Do you mix up the order of things that you do? Do you change the order of days that you handle certain tasks? I have been thinking about this particular dilemma the last few weeks. When I first started my job at Meadow Gold, I had enough excitement to last almost two years. There were misapplications, missing payments, and deductions that buried five people with work. Needless to say, there was so much to do that I didn't have time to think, let alone get stuck in a routine that might be considered redundant.

Now our department is working like a well oiled machine. Everyone knows what to do and when to do it. I worry that it gives us the chance to skip something or to slack off on that call to the customer that you need to call every month. Do you have a pesky small balance hanging on an account that needs to be researched and solved? My goal for the past few months has been to come up with ways to make our jobs exciting and interesting. I have started a few changes. View full article