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Jun 01 2011
Credit Line Newsletter
E-News June 2011

In This Issue
- The Importance of Credit Policy 
- Are You as Good an Employee as You Think You Are?
- You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Looking Ahead

June 7 - Credit Boot Camp  More info

Jun 9 - ICEL  Make Changes or Get Left Behind

Jul 14 - ICEL Test Your Credit Knowledge

Aug 25 - Credit Policy Workshop

Sept 23 - NACM Fall Outing & Golf Tournament

Oct 5 - Western Credit Conference

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



The Importance of Credit Policy

by Susan Archibeque, CCE

We literally changed our "credit culture" from one of finger pointing to one of teamwork and commitment.

When asked to write an article on the importance of having a good credit policy, I jumped at the chance. I experienced firsthand how a good policy can assist in effectively reducing DSO, bad debt write off, and managing conflict between credit and sales. A well written Credit Policy that is backed by upper management will improve efficiency and productivity. This is one of the biggest challenges credit managers are facing today.

Before establishing a Credit Policy or making changes to an existing policy, it is important to identify your company strengths and weaknesses.

Your current performance levels- Research your industry and ask your colleges how they measure performance. Create charts and graphs that pinpoint trends and areas of opportunity.
View full article

Are You as Good an Employee as You Think You Are"

by Tyler Steenblik, CCE, Young Electric Sign Co. 

Good Employees, Good People

You feel good, don't you? You work for a good company and you work hard all day. You certainly have a reason for the way you do things in the office. This includes how you talk to and get along with others, how you make those tough credit decisions that protect your company but allow for a fair profit, and how you work for the "correct results." Your company thinks a lot of you. After all, the bad debt is down due to your "take no prisoners" way of holding the line with customers and those in your office. You certainly are a great employee... aren't you?

While everyone in your office knows you are terrific you certainly have not "arrived" yet. There is still some growth to be captured. Being honest with yourself when seeking personal growth is hard to do because we often don't see ourselves as others see us.

Positive illusions can mess up our perspective. Did you know...

*A vast majority of us consider ourselves above average drivers.    

*25% of people believe they are in the top 1% in their ability to get along with others.

*Most people say they are more likely than their peers to provide accurate self-assessments.

How did you do? Did you just agree that you are part of the majority of people who are above average? View full article

You Don't Know What You Don't Know

by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corporation

"Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know." Daniel J. Boorstin

NACM Professional Certification Program
The NACM professional certification program is respected and appreciated among credit management professionals. Certification offers the participant important benefits such as: expanded knowledge of every aspect of credit management, expanded career opportunities, heightened professional recognition, and professional standards of excellence.

Learn more about the NACM National Professional Certification Program on the NACM Business Credit Services Education page

NACM and ICEL Scholarships
NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL offer members scholarships for classes, educational conferences, and/or professional designation exam fees.View full article and scholarship application forms.

Interested in writing an article for the Credit Line?

The Credit Line Staff want to hear about the topics and issues you want information on.  If you have an article idea or would be interested in writing on a particular topic, contact us (801)433-6116 or GBevan@nacmint.com  Information & guidelines for submitting articles for publication.