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Jul 01 2011
Excellence Newsletter

E-News July 2011

In This Issue
- From Poor Pay to Great Pay
- How's Your Biz Credit IQ?
- Take The Challenge
- Credit Congress ... A Great Learning Experience
- June Recap: Navigating Change
-Spotlight: Zen Featherstone

Looking Ahead

July 14 - Utilizing Technoogy to Manage Receivables No Charge More Info

Jul 14 - ICEL "Test Your Credit Knowledge" How much do you know about credit management? Find out and learn more at this enlightening and entertaining meeting. More info

Aug 11 - ICEL "In The Trenches" War stories from the field veterans about Credit & Collections.

Aug 16 - Mechanics' Lien & SCR Seminar  More info

Aug 24 - Fall Semester at SLCC begins More info

Aug 25 - Credit Policy Workshop More Info

Scholarship Application Form

Sep 7 - NACM Credit Boot Camp More info

Sept 23 - NACM Fall Outing & Golf Tournament at Eagle Wood Golf Course in Bountiful, UT. More coming soon

Oct 5-7 Western Region Credit Conference, Las Vegas, NV
More info

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Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



From Poor Pay to Great Pay

by Carolyn Thompson, Meadow Gold Dairies

I have two "customers" that I struggle with every month to try to get their payments more current. They've both had invoices as far out as 120 days. One is now at 45 days and the other is at 75 days. Both customers are large customers we've done business with for many years and management doesn't want to lose these customers. We had to figure out a way to bring their payments more current.These substantial customers are both family owned businesses with little capital (hence the reason they are so far behind). I am now working on my third payment plan to get them current.

We worked out a payment formula for the first customer to bring his account current. Our collection person handling the account changed a couple of times during this period and somewhere in the process the formula got a little changed. They were making slow progress yet they convinced everyone that they were paying as much as they could. This customer had a sad tale to tell and would tell it to anyone with a soft heart. Now they visit my office every Friday and we go over the week's sales and their payment includes an extra 10%. They have paid the account down $140,000.00. As long as they stay on track, the account should be current by the end of the year. View full article

How's Your Biz Credit IQ?

Put it to the test... just for fun!  Click here for 10 business credit questions and the answer key.

How did you do? These questions are from the Certified Business Associate (CBA) classes in the NACM Professional Designation Program.

Need to boost your Business Credit IQ? NACM invites you to join us for the classes, seminars and Intermountain Credit Education League (ICEL) meetings to help you boost your credit IQ.

ICEL is hosting its annual "Test Your Credit Knowledge" lunch meeting on Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 11:45 am at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City. This meeting is loosely based on a game show. Tables work as a team to answer the questions for great prizes... like chocolate.

First time guests are invited to attend free of charge.
ICEL Members $16.00
Non-ICEL member s $26.00
To reserve your spot click here
Questions: Contact Georgette by phone 801-433-6116 or email

Take The Challenge

by Shanna Sorge, CBF, Easton Technical Products

As I attend more NACM meetings and seminar and ICEL functions and I see all the people with CCE behind their name, I realize how much those three letters mean to me. When I pass my CCE exam it will show my dedication to the credit field and make my worth to my company that much more important.

I began by going to school and taking all the necessary classes on the journey toward my professional designation. First came the CBA, then the CBF, and finally I will be sitting for my CCE exam this month.

As I sent each check into NACM National, it made it all that much more real to me that I was a step closer in achieving my goal. Now I look around and I am close to being part of this group of elite people that have those three letters behind their name. I'm almost there! As I recently became a single mother, those three letters are more important to me, and I want to prove that I can and will accomplish anything.

Which brings me to the title of this article, challenge. What does it mean to you? I challenge any of you reading this article that have completed all the course work but are afraid to sit for the exam for whatever reason, YOU CAN DO IT! Or, for anyone that has not even started taking the courses, it is never too late to begin your journey! I, too, challenge you to get those three letters behind your name. If it is money that is holding you back, ICEL offers scholarships for classes and for exam fees. ICEL will support you in your journey!

Credit Congress... A Great Learning Experience

by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corp

Nashville - the Music City
NACM's 115 Credit Congress & Exposition

The NACM Credit Congress is the premier education and networking event for anyone working in credit. Learning new skills or improving skills keeps all professionals at the top of their field, and NACM Credit Congress provides a wide range of educational development programs tailored to every level of experience from the career credit professional to the business credit novice. I look forward to this great opportunity each year.

NACM Credit Congress is a great way to stay up on current topics, listen to fabulous speakers, and learn from the knowledgeable presenters as well as networking with peers from all over the country. Attending Credit Congress is also a great way to earn Roadmap points and CCE Recertification points!

Credit Congress remains the most complete education and networking experience for credit professionals of all ranks. I hope you can plan to join me for the 2012 NACM Credit Congress and Expo June 10 - June 13, 2012 in Dallas Texas!

June recap: Navigating Change

by Jeni Isbell, CCE, Wasatch Supply

Everyone is on a path to somewhere. The choices we make alter and change that path. When we make choices in life, we must look forward to the future and ponder how the choice we made will affect our future. "There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end the choice you make makes you." (Anon)

Change is a fact of life. If we do not change with our surroundings then we will be left in the dust. Here is one example of that technology change: I, as a college student, cannot imagine doing research in a library alone. When I sit down to write a paper, I use great resources such as Google to find information. I may use my computer, laptop, iPad, or even my phone. Technical information doubles every 2 years. Can you image how research will be done in another 10 years? View full article

Spotlight: Zen Featherstone

by Rebecca Knaak, Alder Sales Corp

Zen is as friendly and easy to talk to as his name might suggest. The nickname "Zen" actually comes from his uncle, Horatio Zentaro Featherstone, who was likely the first Mormon born in Japan way back in 1904. Zen's grandparents were in Japan serving a mission for the LDS Church and so adored their house boy, Zentaro, they named their first-born son after him.

Zen has a BS in Accounting from the University of Utah and has been the Credit and Accounting Manager for Shamrock Plumbing since 2007. He has worldwide accounting and credit experience, having been a payroll accountant in Tehran, Iran and finance manager for the LDS Church in Apia, Samoa. Altogether, Zen has more than 20 years experience in the accounting and credit fields.

Zen's favorite part of the collection process is winning and getting paid against the odds due to persistence and dedication. He recently collected on an account after two years of diligent work and research.

Zen is the father of 8 children (adopted). Three are European-American; 2 are Polynesian-American; and 3 are African-American. They were born in Salt Lake City, Utah; Honolulu, Hawaii; Apia, Samoa; Newport Beach, California; Fort Hood, Texas; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Landover, Maryland.

As the father of 8 children, Zen jokes, "If you had a really tough time raising one of your children, don't ever say, "I hope you have a child just like you." He/she will have two tough kids to raise, will move back home into your basement and you will end up raising them!"

ICEL welcomes Zen's friendly spirit and sense of humor!