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Aug 03 2011
NACM Fall Education Opportunities
E-News August 2011

Special Education Issue
Fall Semester begins August 24, 2011

Looking Ahead

Aug 11 - ICEL "In The Trenches" War stories from the field veterans about Credit & Collections.

Aug 17 - Mechanics' Lien & SCR Seminar  More info

Aug 24 - Fall Semester at SLCC begins More info
Scholarship Application Form

Aug 25 - Credit Policy Workshop More info

Sep 7 - NACM Credit Boot Camp More info

Sept 23 - NACM Fall Outing & Golf Tournament at Eagle Ridge Golf Court in Bountiful, UT - More information coming soon

Oct 5-7 Western Region Credit Conference, Las Vegas, NV
More info

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 Delicious quick business links

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Avoid Expensive Credit Department Lessons with Education

Fall Semester Credit Classes begin Aug 24th

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." Tom Bodett

Lessons learned in a credit department of a business may be costly. How often could a bit of knowledge have saved thousands of dollars - if only they'd known.

NACM Business credit classes begin the week of August 24, 2011. View Class schedule

The Basics That Every Credit Department Should Know:

The customer's legal formation where is the financial strength and who is legally liable for debt.

*The 5 C's of Credit the essence of evaluating customer information and making good credit decisions.
View related article
The Five C's of Credit in Today's Economy

*How to conduct a credit investigation and how to evaluate the information to make a decision and spot trouble.

*Credit Policy & Credit Applications

View related articles:
Sight in on Credit Policy
The Importance of Credit Policy

*How to use secure transactions to make tough transactions.

View related articles: 
Personal Guarantees
Make the Sale With a Joint Check

*The legal aspects of credit protects your company
   Antitrust Laws
   Fair Credit Reporting Act
   Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
   Truth in Lending/Reg Z
   Equal Credit Opportunity Act/Reg B
   Bankruptcy code proceedings 
   Out of court settlements 
   Alternative dispute resolution

View related articles:
Robinson Patman Act & Extended Credit Terms 
*The warning signs of fraud and of financially distressed customers to avoid dangerous transactions.

Business credit education gives you the knowledge and confidence to increase your performance and effectiveness in your job.

Classes held at Salt Lake Community College. The above topics and many others are covered in the above classes that begin August 24 at Salt Lake Community College.

Important Dates for Fall Semester 2011
SLCC Application for Admission Deadline - August 19, 2011
Classes Begin - August 24, 2011
Last day to drop classes August 30, 2011
Last day of class - December 8, 2011

Scholarship opportunities are available.
Applications must be received by August 5, 2011.

Questions? Contact Georgette @ GBevan@nacmint.com or 801-433-6116