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Oct 01 2011
ICEL Excellence Newsletter

E-News October 2011

In This Issue
- Dealing With Difficult People
- September Recap: Innovation and "The Checklist"
- The Importance of Cross Training: Who's Manning The Ship?
- Spotlight: Mary Jane McIntosh, CBA, Henderson Wheel

Looking Ahead

Oct 5-7 Western Region Credit Conference at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV. More Information

Oct 13 - ICEL "Change Anything" with Master Trainer Neil Staker. More information

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Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Congratulations Certified Credit Executive (CCE) Professional Designation Achiever

Shanna Sorge, CCE, Easton Technical Products

Dealing With Difficult People

by Carolyn Thompson, Meadow Gold Dairies

My first job was at the Bank of Utah as a teller. I wanted the opportunity to advance so I started to take classes that were offered to the employees. One of the first classes was "Adventures in Attitudes." This was a customer service course that covered all aspects of dealing with difficult customers. I have to say this class had a big impact on both my personal and professional relationships. Each week we would delve into the intricacies of human interaction. My favorite week was the "angry customer" which means anyone who needs your assistance, including co-workers, family and bank customers. In the class we learned that most people are not listening when you answer the phone so do not use your name in the first few seconds of the conversation because the person on the other end will not hear it. Also, you should have some statement ready in the first seconds that will send a message to your customer that you are there to assist in solving a problem.

We have all had the customer that it seems you can't even say hello before they are screaming into the phone about how they have been wronged and are demanding satisfaction or a resolution before you even know what they are angry about. Our instructor explained that you need to give the customer permission to be angry and that this would make the customer stop and think before they continue their tirade. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical on this one. You're going to give someone permission to be angry? But, there is nothing that puts out a fire faster than to tell someone that they have the right to be upset.  View full article

September Meeting Recap:
Innovation and "The Checklist"

by  Melissa Mickelsen, CBA, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

Dale Z. Darling, Director of Sales at KSL Broadcast and Digital, spoke about Innovation and "The Checklist" at the September ICEL Meeting. Dale began by stating that change is inevitable and that to find success, we must embrace and even enjoy change. Innovation is a necessity in today's world. Dale noted that Dr. Clayton Christensen suggested that good companies fail because they become too comfortable and don't innovate to stay current and relevant. So, how do we become innovators? Dale recommended that we take inspiration from past innovators, people who have found success by embracing change. He also suggested that we evaluate our current practices. We should try to determine why we do things certain ways, and if those reasons still stand up in the current environment. We should ask ourselves why we don't do things differently and how we could do things differently. We should evaluate possible benefits to changing our practices or even developing new practices. Dale stated that innovation is the key to progression and ultimately success.

Dale also shared an overview of the book The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. The author suggests that there are three types of problems. View full article


The Importance of Cross Training

by Mary Jane McIntosh, CBA, Henderson Wheel 

Who's Manning the Ship?

We do our jobs day after day sometimes never thinking about what would happen if we were not there for an extended period of time. Who's going to post all those checks? Who's going to call on past dues? Who's going to answer all the calls that come in asking for accounts receivable, etc.?

I learned a very crucial lesson in August when I had knee surgery and was out of the office for four weeks. I was fortunate (or not) to be able to work from home a few of those weeks. But , not everything can be done from home. I then realized how important it is that we cross train our employees so everything runs smoothly when we are not there.

It is not that the ladies in the office are incapable of doing the work. It's just that I have not taken the time to teach them everything. Sometimes it's just easier to do it yourself - right? WRONG! View full article  

Spotlight: Mary Jane McIntosh, CBA, Henerson Wheel

by Rebecca Knaak, Alder Sales Corporation

Mary Jane McIntosh, CBA, has been a member of both NACM and ICEL for many years and has served on the board of directors for both. She is currently on the ICEL Programs Committee and the NACM Entertainment Committee.

She has enjoyed working for Henderson Wheel for 36 years. With so many years of experience in the credit field, we had to ask her, "What do you enjoy most about your job?" Mary Jane said that she really enjoys working with the people she has come to know so well in her office, and that she likes the act of balancing accounts and computing amounts due. She also enjoys the challenging nature of her job. Her least favorite part is calling on bad accounts.

Mary Jane is the proud mother of two grown children, and even prouder grandmother of four - three granddaughters and one grandson. She loves to spend time with them, but also enjoys her now "empty nest" with her husband. Watching movies and eating popcorn are favorite pastimes. She keeps active by leading children in singing as the Primary Chorister at church. She has previous experience with this vocation as well as she was formerly a tenor singing with the Sweet Adeline's International group for five years.

We are so glad to know Mary Jane and appreciate her continued support and assistance.