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Feb 01 2012

CreditWise Published by NACM Business Credit Services and The Intermountain Credit Education League (ICEL )
E-News February 2012

In This Issue
- Utah State Construction Registry (SCR)
- ICEL Feb 2012 Meeting "Dealing with the Stress of Credit & Collections"
- The Basics of Good Credit Decisions
- ICEL January Recap: Time Management Improves Performance
- Basic Collection Strategy
- Spotlight, Melissa Nielson, KSL Broadcast

Looking Ahead

Feb 9 - ICEL "Dealing with the Stress of Credit & Collections" Speaker: Steve Vigas, Ph.D. from Utah State University. Guests welcome
More information and online registration

Feb 15 - "Advanced Collection Tools" and "Business Law Basics for Today's Credit Professional" Speaker: David L. Osburn, MBA More information and online registration 

View video comments about David L. Osburn 

March 5 - NACM Professional Designation Exams

March 8 - ICEL

Apr 12 - ICEL Executive Meeting with Aric Krause, Ph.D. "Today's Economy and Looking Foward"

April 20 - NACM Spring Banquet & Stockholders Meeting

June 10-13 NACM National Credit Congress in Dallas Texas More info

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info



Protecting Lien Rights and the SCR (Utah State Construction Registry)

by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corp.

Information for Subcontractors and Suppliers:
The State Construction Registry (SCR) allows subcontractors and suppliers to protect lien rights.

By filing a preliminary notice through the SCR system, subcontractors and suppliers alert property owners, banks, title companies and general contractors to their involvement in a project and expectation of payment.

This helps those with the money to oversee that payments navigate down to the appropriate parties, especially when there are multiple levels of subcontractors. View full article 


ICEL Feburary Meeting
Dealing with the Stress of Credit & Collections

Speaker Steven C. Vigil, Ph.D.

Thursday,February 9,2011

Dr. Vigil uses a self care approach to assist in making sure your work is healthy and whole .... when your work causes distress.

Steven Vigil is a professor in Department of Social Work at Weber State University and an adjunct instructor at the University of Utah. He has been associated with Primary Children's Hospital,McKay Dee Hopsital Behavioral Health and provides individual, group and family counseling

11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Red Lion Hotel, 161 W 600 S, SLC, UT
$ 16 ICEL Members, $26 Non-ICEL Members

RSVP Georgette Bevan, CCE by email or phone 801.433.6116 or register online

The Basics of Good Credit Decisions

by Penny Williams, Midwest Floor Coverings

In today's slow, tough economy it is more important than ever to make sure we, as credit professionals, have all our T's crossed and I's dotted when establishing credit lines for accounts. The best place to begin is to make sure your company has a Credit Policy in place.

A written policy can streamline various functions. It also assures a degree of consistency among departments. One of the most important portions of the policy is defining your department's mission. Other items might include your goals, your responsibilities, how credit is evaluated, and how collections will be handled. A credit policy should be designed to fit the needs of each individual company. It will also make sure all customers are treated fairly and help preserve customer goodwill. View full article 

Election for NACM Board of Directors

Election of three new directors will be held in April 2012. Watch for more information on the candidates.

The 2012-2013 nominees are:
Tammi Russell, CCE, KSL Broadcast
Boyd Ipson, Redman Van & Storage
D'Ann Johnson, CBF, Roofers Supply
Erik Wright, CCE, Spectrum Engineers, Inc.
Tracy Flynn, Holladay Bank & Trust
Lynette Jensen, U S Foodservice, Inc.
Dan Simpson, CCE, Wright Express Financial Services
ReBecca Poulsen, CCE, Henriksen Butler Design

ICEL Recap: 
Time Management Improves Performance

by Janae Jeffs, CCE, Muir Enterprises

The first ICEL meeting of the new year started with a great presentation on Time Management by Matt McDonald, Area Manager, Sunroc Building Materials, Inc.

Matt opened with 2 questions:
     1) Who Controls your time?
     2) Who is responsible for your time?

The answer to both questions is YOU. Time is your most valuable resource. Technology has changed the way we deal with time, but most of us don't utilize our time effectively. View full article

Basic Collection Strategy

by Carolyn Thompson, Meadow Gold Dairies

The one constant in our job is that there will always be collection calls. I tell my staff that this is job security. The collection call will always be there. However,with today's technology, have we taken advantage of new ways to contact our customers? I don't mean making all of your customers personal friends on Facebook.

Last year we made a goal in our department to send out statements to our customers either by fax or email. It has become quite a task to get all the emails and fax numbers into the computer system so the statements can be sent electronically. View full article


ICEL Spotlight:
Melissa Nielson, KSL Broadcast

by Kelley Kunz, CCE,

 View video clip of Melissa Nielson 

ICEL welcomes its new member Melissa Nielson. We all know the old saying "I didn't pick credit, it picked me." Well Melissa will tell you it happened to her. She was working at Millcreek Broadcasting in Traffic, radio talk for putting commercials on the air. She was offered a promotion after three months at Millcreek and on 03-03-03 she was moved to Accounts Receivable, cash application and collections.

Melissa has now been with KSL for a year and is learning the ropes from a long time member of ICEL/NACM, Tammi Russell, CCE. Melissa's duties at KSL are Accounts Receivable and Collections and back up for Credit. Tammi has her sights on retiring in 10 years and is well prepared by giving Melissa an opportunity to learn from her.

Melissa also hopes to start her NACM designation soon and we hope she is able to take advantage of the scholarships that are offered by ICEL and NACM. I asked Melissa about life after work and she told me she enjoys spending time with her 18 month old son and her husband of 6 1/2 years. She also can't wait for the softball season to start.