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Nov 01 2013
Published by NACM Business Credit Services and ICEL
E-News November 2013

In This Issue

- Leadership in Challenging Times
- Run, Don't Pass, Make the Call with No Flags
- Letters of Credit v. Security Deposits
- The Real Truth about Volunteer Service
- ICEL Recap: What Your Body Language Tells Others
- Reach Out to a Child This Christmas
- When Opportunity Knocks - Answer it!
- CSI: Credit Specialist Investigations
- ICEL Spotlight: Amanda Doyle, CBF, Hajoca Corporation

Looking Ahead

Nov 4 - Professional Designation Exams

Nov 11 - Mechanics' Lien Seminar
More information and online registration

Nov 14 - ICEL: Crucial Accountability Speaker: Chase McMillan, VitalSmarts
Note: Change in Location and more information

Dec 4 - Fraud Identity Theft Seminar
More information

Jun 8-11, 2014 - Credit Congress in Orlando, FL Special savings when you register by December 13, 2013. More information  

Why should I submit potential members to NACM?"

Help gain information on your customers. As a member, their information could help build the database on your customers. It's not just a one-way street. more Info


Leadership in Challenging Times

by Lisa Keller, CBA, Peck Striping

I think we can all agree that these are certainly challenging times. It seems that we can't turn around these days without hearing a doom and gloom prediction for the future or even the present.  Whether we are in a position that manages people or not, it is becoming increasingly important for us to lead. The following thoughts and examples are geared toward those who manage or supervise a staff, but they can be equally as important for those who simply want to lead and be an example for others.

How can we as leaders put our best foot forward and influence those around us? Read full article  

Run, Don't Pass, Make the Call with No Flags

by Mark Jones, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

A touch down is scored but a yellow flag lies upon the green turf. One team is euphoric and the other is frustrated and angry. The yellow flag is a precursor that something is not right and penalties will be assessed. Such is the dilemma for credit people quite often.

When do we notice the yellow flag? Is it after a customer has made their play, or are we the one throwing the flag and letting our customer know they have caused an infraction and there will be penalties assessed? The key is to avoid any penalties by being aware of the circumstances involving any of your customers. So how do "You Make The Call?" Here are a few suggestions you might run with. . .  Read full article  

Letters of Credit v. Security Deposits

by Dana Farmer, Smith Knowles, PC

Some creditors find that maintaining security deposits for marginal customers is a convenient method to protect against default.  However, security deposits are still considered to be the property of your customer and if the customer files bankruptcy the bankruptcy trustee has the authority to take the security deposit.  Therefore, as an alternative to the security deposit, you can use a letter of credit.  If your customer has enough money to give you to hold as a security deposit, then they could also deposit that money with the bank in exchange for a letter of credit. Read full article     

ICEL Chair Message

The Real Truth about Volunteer Service

by Melissa Mickelsen, CCE, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

"Those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer." *

As the holidays approach, we often feel a greater desire to provide service within our community. This volunteer service, whether provided during the holidays or at other times, can provide valuable and important benefits both to the individuals providing the service as well as those receiving it. These benefits include strengthened communities and improved individual lives. As we provide volunteer service, we help solve the problems around us. Read full article   

ICEL Recap

What Your Body Language Tells Others

by DeAnna Leahy, CCE, Sunroc Corp

Would you like to be more influential without even saying a single word?

Ann Washburn, body language expert, trainer, and mentor taught us that by mastering body language secrets we can increase our results in a big way. We are sending messages all the time and, if we are aware of the message we are sending, our impact and influence will increase.

Communication is the key in every important relationship that we have and reading body language is a skill to find both answers and solutions. Ann taught that to begin reading body language, we need to remove judgment . . . Read full article

Reach Out to a Child This Christmas

by Shane Inglesby, CCE, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, so, of course, this means that you need to begin planning for the Christmas holiday. The Intermountain Credit Education League has chosen to work with Candy Cane Corner for our Christmas charity this year. Many of you have taken the opportunity of donating time and items to this wonderful organization in the past and know how much this service benefits our community.

For those of you that have not had the opportunity to participate, Candy Cane Corner has been established to provide those that are less fortunate with the opportunity of selecting new toys and new clothing items for loved ones in their family. Candy Cane Corner attempts to provide a store-like environment from which its "shoppers" can select "purchases" that meet the needs and interests of the recipient. Read full article


When Opportunity Knocks - Answer It!

by Jo Anne Mills, CBF, Deseret Book/LDS Living

Lindsay Taylor of North American Trailers has the opportunity to participate in her industry trade group. As a result of her association with NACM, she learned of the educational opportunities available through NACM and ICEL.

Lindsay, now a member of ICEL, applied for and received an educational scholarship this Fall. She is currently enrolled in "Principles of Business Credit" at Salt Lake Community College.  Lindsay says the application process was a pleasant experience and enrolling in the class was easy. She is enjoying her class and says it is going very well. More information and scholarship forms.

CSI: Credit Specialist Investigations

by Shane Inglesby, CCE, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

Question: What do you consider to be the most important aspect of your credit investigation when reviewing a new credit application?

Mel Huppi, Credit Manager, Deseret Book Company

I sell to a unique market. As a result, I tend to rely heavily on my gut feeling after reviewing the credit application. I check to ensure the information in the credit application is consistent. An example of an inconsistency would be if financial information is provided with a reference to $1,000,000 in assets, yet only $15,000 in sales is stated. This is a big difference that is not consistent with what is presented. Read full article.

ICEL Spotlight:

Amanda Doyle, CBF, Hajoca Corporation

by Shane Inglesby, CCE, Geneva Rock Products, Inc.

Desires for greater stability through improved employee benefits led Amanda (Mandy) Doyle to a career with Hajoca Corporation. Amanda worked as a waitress at Village Inn where she eventually helped manage a restaurant location. With impending motherhood around the corner, Mandy was looking for a position that offered benefits and Hajoca met this requirement.

Hajoca Corporation is the nation's largest privately held wholesale distributor of plumbing, heating and industrial supplies. With a hearty recommendation from mom, Jane Rose, who worked for and continues to work with Hajoca, the company recognized Mandy's potential. She was hired to work providing administrative and customer service as well as assisting in the pricing of product. Hajoca has experienced enormous growth through various acquisitions since Mandy hired on fifteen years ago. Read full article